The Soul With Sunny Heart
God bless the soul with sunny heart
Who brightens up each day
By spreading seeds of cheerfulness
While traveling on life's way.
God bless him for the stars of hope
He sets in each one's sky;
For the encouragement he gives
That causes folk to try...
With stronger faith to press ahead,
With courage for a mate,
And reach for goals, and build anew,
And smile and challenge fate.
God bless his laughter and his song
That drives dark clouds away
From troubled minds, and paints instead
A rosy-tinted day.
God bless the soul with sunny heart
Who's found in life his place,
And serves his God and fellow man
With humble, gentle grace.
The world has need of such a man
Who lifts the heart from gloom,
And in life's barren places plants
Sweet flowers of love to bloom.
He may not serve as some men serve
fame or high degree...
But his good deeds will ever shine
Throughout eternity.
~ Author: Beverly J. Anderson ~